
  • 数据隐私:英特尔与微软合作攻克“终极前沿”

    发布时间: 2021-03-12


           英特尔在周一晚些时候的一份声明中称,其目标是开发一种用于完全同态加密(FHE)的加速器。英特尔实验室首席工程师兼首席研究员Rosario Cammarota解释称:“完全同态加密仍然是在使用过程中保持数据安全的最佳办法。尽管可信执行环境和其他保密计算技术在静止和传输过程中也能很大程度上保护数据,但数据在计算过程中是不加密的,这为现阶段潜在的攻击提供了可能性,”。

           微软将会是英特尔关键的云生态系统和同态加密合作伙伴。微软曾与美国政府在其云产品(包括Microsoft Azure和Microsoft JEDI cloud)中测试开发了完全同态加密这项技术,引领了该技术的商业应用。完全同态加密使用户能够对始终加密的数据或密码进行计算。这些数据永远不需要解密,减少了网络威胁的可能性。

           Azure Global首席技术官兼Microsoft Mission Systems副总裁William Chappell博士表示:“我们很高兴将我们在云计算和同态加密方面的专业知识应用到DARPA DPRIVE计划中,与英特尔合作,将这一变革性技术推进商业应用,这将帮助到我们更多客户的数据安全。”




    Chip-maker Intel has collaborated with Microsoft on Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) programme in the US, to tackle the final frontier in data privacy which is computing on fully encrypted data without access to decryption keys.

    The aim is to develop an accelerator for fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), Intel said in a statement late on Monday.

    “Fully homomorphic encryption remains the holy grail in the quest to keep data secure while in use. Despite strong advances in trusted execution environments and other confidential computing technologies to protect data while at rest and in transit, data is unencrypted during computation, opening the possibility of potential attacks at this stage,” explained Rosario Cammarota, principal engineer, Intel Labs, and principal investigator, DARPA DPRIVE programme.

    Microsoft is the key cloud ecosystem and homomorphic encryption partner leading the commercial adoption of the technology once developed by testing it in its cloud offerings, including Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft JEDI cloud, with the US government.

    Fully homomorphic encryption enables users to compute on always-encrypted data, or cryptograms. The data never needs to be decrypted, reducing the potential for cyberthreats.

    “We are pleased to bring our expertise in cloud computing and homomorphic encryption to the DARPA DPRIVE programme, collaborating with Intel to advance this transformative technology when ready into commercial usages that will help our customers,” said Dr William Chappell, CTO, Azure Global, and vice president, Mission Systems, Microsoft.

    The multi-year DARPA DPRIVE programme will span several phases starting with the design, development and verification of foundational IP blocks that will be integrated into a system-on-chip and a full software stack.

    Intel said it will also continue to invest in ongoing academic research in the field.


    本文内容转载自:Business Standard www.business-standard.com



    作者: Ians

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